Sunday, January 27, 2008

Progress - 1/27/08 (Asherville, IN)

I'm 703 miles in and just passing Asherville, IN. I'm heading towards Terre Haute and then into Illinois. All I can find about Asherville is that it's part of Clay County and has an elevation of 659 feet. Yep, it's THAT big of a town.


Petraruns said...

nice long run! hope it went well, take care!

Maddy said...

I've never heard of the booming metropolis of Asherville...

Great job on your 18 miler. You're going to do great in New Orleans.

My iPod always tells me I run father when I'm on the road and shorter when I'm on the treadmill. The difference seems to work out pretty darn close at the end of the week.