Friday, April 12, 2013

My summer/fall race schedule

Unlike last year, I'm mainly staying off the trails this year. Last year, I did the Western New Hampshire Trail Series. While I loved the races, they were quite a distance away. I was frequently traveling one or two hours to get to a race, and by the time I got home, I had blown most of my Saturday.

Not the case this year. I'm doing the Capital Area Race Series (CARS), which is a series of seven races around the Concord, NH area (where I live). Some of the races are as close as 15 minutes away, and the farthest one is 30 minutes away. I'll finish the race and still be home by 11--just how I like it. Plus, I get to run it with my girlfriend a bunch of friends, which is fun. The races are usually only 5K's, so a lot less effort is required than the trail runs last year.

I've also added a couple of races outside of the CARS series, only one of which is overly ridiculous. And I added a half marathon, so that's at least something with a little bit of distance to get my training going.

  1. Gilmanton 5K road race (March 30)
  2. SEA 5K road race (April 6)
  3. NHTI Delta Dental road race (April 19)
  4. Canterbury Shaker Village XC 5K (May 11)
  5. Harpoon 5-miler (May 19)
  6. Over the River and Through the Woods (June 1)
  7. Mt. Washington Road Race (June 15)
  8. Bill Luti 5-miler (July 20)
  9. Canterbury Woodchuck Classic 5K (July 27)
  10. Covered Bridges Half-Marathon (September 1)
I'm definitely happy to be staying closer to home and that I'm getting at least one crazy race in (the 7.5 mile run up a mountain). I think I'm going to pick the bike up a bit more this year, especially if I can coax some people to join me.

And away we go!

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