It just seems wrong that you really only wear it around the finish line and back to your hotel, and maybe to the airport (but they make you take it off to go through security). My theory is that we should a grace period of a week for a half-marathon or marathon (anything that is medal-worthy, really) and we should be fine wearing it around. So there you go: it's now a new rule.
Oh, and the second worst thing about a marathon, thanks to CewTwo:
I agree. I always want to wear my medals. My marathon medal is a Tiffany Necklace, so I am able to get use out of it.
But you're right, once you get through the airport, then what? I saw Goofy Medals for sale on Ebay less than a week after the race.
I agree, also!
I can not believe someone would sell their Goody medals!!!
Funny video! Only thing is that they should have been wearing their medals :-)
I LOVE that video! I remember trying to get to the El in chicago after the marathon and just being powerless to get up the stairs (or down them..) and watching trains go by..
I agree wholeheartedly! I think the only time I wore my medal for more than 30 minutes was after the Disneyworld Marathon - there, everyone wore their medal proudly around their necks at the parks all day and into the evening. I still remember wearing mine at dinner - along with marathon tshirt, along with a ton of other marathoners.
Great video! Have fun at your kitschy race!
I like you new rule! I busted my ass traing for months to run my first half a few weeks ago and only actually wore the medal for about 2 hours after the race.
I know how you feel! After I ran the Goofy in January I hung out at Disney World for almost another week. And yup, I wore my medal the entire time I was there. It was a Goofy medal so I wanted to be sure to show it off!
I think you should wear it. After ballet class, I always wanted to wear my tu-tu around. Then again, I was 5. ha ha. kidding!
I just have my poor medals hanging on the back of a door. So sad. So hard to earn and they just sit there.
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