As I mentioned, I'm running 3 times a week now, instead of 4 or 5. That has helped me to save a lot of time because I force all of the procrastination into 3 days rather than more. I still struggle to get myself out the door but now it's only 3 days a week, instead of 5. So the lack of time wasting has been good, but the motivation is just not there right now.
I think it's not there because I've tired of running, or at least running where I run now. The gym is an absolute no-no for me because I get bored within 5 minutes. Unfortunately, though, the runs around here are pretty boring, too. The sidewalks are snow-covered, so I usually end up braving a run on the shoulder.
But the problem is that I've done all of these runs before--many times before. So I'm having a tough time staying interested. I've tried running routes in reverse and taking some side streets to spice up the runs a bit, but that doesn't seem to be helping. Like I said, it's the goal of LAX by May 15 that gets me out the door Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Once I get to LAX, I think I'm going to cut back on my running. It will be summer-ish by then, so I'm planning to really kick up the miles on the bike to compensate for less miles running. I really enjoyed the biking I did last summer, and I went to a bunch of absolutely great places doing it. I get farther and I seem to enjoy the journey more.
I don't expect to stop running completely, but I think I'll probably supplement biking with running, rather than the other way around. Maybe run twice a week or so and bike the other days. At least for now, I'm not all that bored with biking. In fact, I'm really looking forward to getting back on the bike when it gets nice(r).
For now, though, I think I'll update some music on my iPod and just be resigned to the fact that I've got to lace up the shoes and hit the roads. It's not a lot of fun these days, but I guess running isn't always fun. It still clears my head, though, and some days, that's all I can ask for.
I can't imagine how difficult it is to run outside where you during the winter but I'm happy to hear of your plans to spend more time on your bike this year. Perhaps we can go for a ride together in early Oct? Dave & I will be staying in Francestown, NH, again between my CT and VT marathons 10/9 & 10/17. It'll have to be an easy not-too-long ride for me, though.
Biking with Shirley has GOT to be motivational right? Just the thought of it should give you a kick.
As for loss of mojo because of your route - I've been there and I know it. How about throwing in a race or 2? A half somewhere? 5k / 10k? Driving somewhere on the weekend and doing a trail run?
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